Support for pupils with SEND can include:
- supporting individual and groups of pupils to enable them to participate effectively in the curriculum and assessment activities;
- ensuring access to specialist equipment and approaches set out in school based intervention programmes;
- providing for pupils who need help with communication, language and English;
- planning where necessary to develop pupils’ understanding through the use of available senses and experiences, such as Positive Play in the Multi-Sensory Room;
- planning for pupils’ full participation in learning and in physical and practical activities;
- helping pupils manage their behaviour, to take part in learning effectively and safely
- helping individuals to manage their emotions and to take part in learning;
- planning appropriate amounts of time to allow for the satisfactory completion of t asks;
- planning opportunities, where necessary, for the development of skills in the practical aspect of the curriculum;
- identifying aspects of programmes of study and performance descriptors that may present specific difficulties for individuals and
- taking specific action to help pupils who are learning English as an additional language, developing their spoken and written English to ensure access to the curriculum and assessment
All pupils with SEND receive quality first teaching (carefully differentiated work within the classroom). There may be targeted support in class by the teacher and/or teaching assistant. Carefully matched interventions may also enhance this teaching. Pupils may be taught as part of a class, in a small group or individually, depending on the activity. For a list of needs related interventions see next page.
School staff may also be supported by outside agencies regarding strategies best matched to teach specific pupils.
Pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care plan may also be supported by a SSSEN (Support Service Special Educational Needs) teacher on a 1:1 and small group basis.