We have had an AMAZING day celebrating Australia day in Foundation Stage!
We arrived with our luggage and checked in at the Stenson Fields Airport!
We showed the passport control staff our passports that we had made and they checked our identity.
We then got our luggage scanned at the security desk.
After that, we got on the plane and looked at the video of us taking off into to sky! We waved goodbye to England and had our inflight snacks and drinks. They were yummy!
After we landed in Australia, we learned about the animals that live there and all about the coral reef.
We also showed our friends what we had packed in our cases and then we went out to play in the sand and sea at the playground beach.
We made ice creams in the ice cream shop, made some coral reef artwork. Got busy cutting and making under water pictures and played in our airport and travel agents role play!
In the afternoon we enjoyed our ice lollies, we've had the best time with our friends and learned along the way.
We have caterpillars! This week, some caterpillars were delivered to us and we can’t believe how fast they have grown already!
World Down Syndrome Day 2023
This week we celebrated Down syndrome day. The children came dressed in old socks to raise awareness and everyone planted a sunflower seed to take home. 🌻🧦
Science Week 🌎🌻
This week is Science week. We have made rockets out of ‘rubbish’ and worked as a team to turn boxes into spaceships.
We read the story Dear Zoo and talked about the different animals on our planet and why some animals are kept in zoos.
We have talked about why some animals are endangered and how we can all help to protect our earth and the creatures in it. We’ve looked at different habitats and how sometimes humans spoil them.
We talked about the different bins in our classroom, how to use them properly and how we have different bins at home for recycling. We have emptied our mini compost bins into the big compost bins outside and talked about what happens.
We’ve had a super busy week being mini scientists! 🌎
World Book Day 🌏📚
Today was World Book Day. We had a great time looking at the amazing costumes. In a special assembly, each class was gifted a new book to look at during the day. Our class books linked to our topic and we really enjoyed reading the stories.
Space day!
As part of our topic this term, we started with a space themed day. The children came dressed in space outfits, we launched a class rocket to the moon, completed space themed activities and researched life in space. We had a great day!
Number day fun!
The children had fun making numbers from play dough, cutting numbers for a giant number line and playing number games in PE. We talked about numbers in real life and had fun looking at all the number outfits. 🙂
Spring term
We've had a busy start to the Spring term. We have enjoyed learning all about Winter and had fun celebrating Chinese New Year.
We've been on a Winter walk and we even had some snow! Show and Tell has started this term and the children are enjoying talking about their favourite things. Our topic is Are you afraid of the dark? We have been learning about nocturnal animals which links to our Literacy story - Owl Babies.
Autumn term fun!
Sensory garden fun!
We've had so much fun learning outside this term and watching the seasons change. We have used our fabulous sensory garden to go on a winter hunt, search for different shapes in the environment and make music in the themed areas. The children have loved it!