Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning, with its main purpose being to move children forwards in their learning. Informal assessment strategies are used daily by teachers in all classes to enable children to make good progress.
Teachers also make a judgment at the end of each term about whether children are on track to meet the year group expectations at the end of the year. This judgment is made in all national curriculum subjects, and the EYFS areas of learning are assessed in Reception.
Statutory assessments take place at the end of each key stage. In EYFS this is through teacher observations. In key stage 1 (Y2), this is done through teacher assessment, with some written tests taking place to support these judgments. In key stage 2 (Y6), children take tests (SATs) in reading and maths, and teachers assess their attainment in writing by considering a range of evidence. Additionally, children in Y1 are required to take the Y1 Phonics Screening Check and children in Y4 take an online Multiplication Tables Check.
Parents are kept informed of their children's progress through parent consultation evenings, annual written reports and reporting of national assessment results.