Year 5 read When Charlie McButton Lost Power and come up with lots of things that can be done without a screen. They then created a class book called "Things to Do Without a Screen".
Year 4 read the book But It's Just a Game and discussed strategies for becoming a 'Life Controller'. They then designed a snakes and ladders game entitled "How to Become a Life Controller.
Year 1 read Hatch Me, an interactive story that explores how changes online can make you feel. They talked about when something happens online and it doesn't make you feel good, you should talk to an adult about it.
The whole school took part in a range of exciting Safer Internet Day activities related to respectful online relationships. We had a great day learning and sharing how to be responsible digital citizens.
Our early years explored some of the ways in which the internet can be used to communicate. They discussed the different technology they have and how they use it for communication.
Our year 2s read some traditional tales with a online safety twist! They thought about what they need to keep safe online and how to be caring, responsible digital citizens.
Our year 3s spent the day discussing the theme and shared way in which sometimes the internet isn't always fun and games. They shared tips on what to do if they are upset, worried or frustrated by anything that happens online. After, they designed an online safety mascot that would appear during games and support players.
The year 4 designed some attractive and informative "Gamer Guides" with rules on how to be safe, caring and respectful when playing online games. They also explored what to do when communicating online, discussing when and how you should ignore, report or block other users.
Our year 6s discuss what makes an online relationship respectful and what they can do to be the best digital citizens they can be! They wrote their own recipes for respectful relationships and also designed gaming mascots.