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How has Derbyshire Changed?

Look at our Amazing Homework Projects

Summer Punch

Investigating Capacity

Making 3D Shapes

Life at Cromford Mill

Weave had a Great Time Weaving

Super Shoesday - look at our fancy shoes!

Sean Scully

In our art lessons, we have looked at the art work of American painter and print-maker, Sean Scully. 

Welcome To Keezy

In ICT we are composing out own music using iPad app Keezy.

Watch this space for future uploads of our music!

Poetry Week

Year 3 enjoyed learning The Owl and the Pussy Cat during their poetry week. He are a few of our performances. Enjoy!

The Owl and the Pussy Cat...

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Pussy Said to the Owl...

Dear Pig...

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Building Healthy Bodies and Minds for A.C.E.S Day

The Foot Bone's Connected to the Leg Bone...

Saint George's Day

What do Plants Need to Grow?

We planted 4 radish seeds in the green pot and 50 radish seeds in the pink pot. We predict the seeds in the green pot will grow into bigger radishes as they have more space to grow.

Why do Plants have Stems?

We have left these white carnations in red food colouring. We are observing them closely over time. We predict the petals will turn pink as the stem absorbs the food colouring.

Practising Impasto Technique

Where in the world are deserts?

Dissecting Daffodils

Measuring how big wild animals are!

World Book Day Costumes

Colour Mixing

Blackout Poetry from Ice Trap by Meredith Hooper

Being Smarties on Number Day!

Wearing numbers for NUMBER DAY!

Investigating - Which is the strongest magnet?

Taking a walk through the Bible

Matchstick multiplication

How does blubber keep polar animals warm?

Sewing Arctic Mittens

Ancient Egypt

Look at our amazing homework projects!

Voting for group names

Making a model of the Nile and the land of the Black Mud

Growing in the black mud - not in the desert

Following instructions to make miniature gardens

Archaeologists digging for treasure!

Making Canopic Jars

Museum Display

Using diennes to help with calculations

Walking to Stenson Lock

Sketches of An Adventure at Stenson Bubble

Investigating Multiplication

Do you want to know how to make a mummy?

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Don't forget the bandages

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Egyptian Burial Ceremony

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Wrapping the Body

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Carrying the Body

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Mummifying a Tomato!

Testing our Shadufs

Congratulations to our first Year 3 BRONZE readers!

Christmas Jumper Day!