At Stenson Fields Primary Community School, there is the opportunity to speak to your child’s class teacher or the SENCO at any point in time. Please feel free to make an appointment which is convenient to you. We also have parent consultations in the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms. Your child’s annual report will describe the progress and attainment of your child. If your child is placed on the SEND register then their progress will be reviewed every two terms, apart from Foundation Stage pupils who will have their progress reviewed every term. If your child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs, an Education, Health and Care Plan or GRIPS funding, then these will also be reviewed annually. At Stenson Fields Primary Community School, we track all pupils’ progress carefully, identifying any children who may need extra support to ensure they make the appropriate progress or reach the age expected outcomes. Pupil progress meetings between the class teacher and the head teacher are held each term to discuss this provision.