Summer Term 2018
This term we will be learning about doubling and halving using a variety of resources such as cubes, counters, compare bears etc. We will be also learning about comparing length, weight, height and capacity which will be linked to our topic.
Children will be learning to tell the time as well as looking at repeating patterns.
We will also be looking at money. Children will be learning to recognise money, count with money and problem solve with money.
Spring Term 2018
This term we will be learning about one more and less as well as addition and subtraction. We will be using a variety of resources such as cubes, counters, compare bears, number lines to help us to add and subtract.
Autumn Term 2017
This term in Maths we will be learning about numbers to 20. We will be practising recognising, writing, ordering and counting out amounts for different numbers.